Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Sam Treloar of California, United States (U.S.A.)

Date added: 10/03/2015

Title: Can't wait for each order :-)

My first purchase was a lifelong fantasy fulfilled — finally owning a mridanga and learning how to play a standard kirtan rhythm. Now I place a couple of orders each year, from bulk incense to clothes to complete sets of books, beads, and whatever paraphernalia comes to mind. It's so nice and reassuring to be able to get Śrīla Prabhupāda's unadulterated original books and although some Indian goods such as clothes aren't always up to mechanised western standards, is good to know you're supporting villagers handmaking goods the old-fashioned way. My only complaint is that everything is too cheap and there doesn't seem to be any facility for just making a lump sum payment thereby leaving a generous tip to be passed on to the indigenous craftworkers!

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