Metal Elephants (Set of 2)
Barrel Shaped Tulsi Japa Beads
Jagannatha Puri Guide Book
Ladies Purse Radha-Krishna
Mahamantra Plate -- Large
Kurta -- Raw Silk

Kurta -- Raw Silk

Jagannatha Iron-On Patch
Men's Pure Woolen Chadar / Shawl

Krishna store is the best !!

By Netra Pandilwar

We are very happy to receive a nice service like this. It's very easy to buy all the important thing ...

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Excellent Krsna service

By Madhu Jogia

Excellent prompt service Goods as described Hare Krsna

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Great Tulsi Necklace

By Chris H.

Great looking tulsi necklace. Quick shipping as well. Well worth it.

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Best online store for Krishna Consciousness

By James D Souza

I absolutely love buying products from this store. I have been buying products for years . Best stor ...

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Great Service to devotees

By Sarvananda Gauranga Dasa

The works of Srila Prabhupada made available for Kindle is a great service. It helps utilize technol ...

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Best online purchase service ever !

By Paul Oconnor

Hare Krishna to all those devotees working at Krishna Store, my order arrived with so many extras... ...

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Thank you!

By Daniel

Excellent quality products, warm and friendly customer service team, extraordinary and patient willi ...

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Perfection and excellency

By Anastasia Elgen

I was totally and completely satisfied! It was easy and super fast and super efficient service! It ...

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Fantastic quality and service

By Sundaranunda

2 orders so far both delivered quickly and the quality of the clothing and items is great. Packaging ...

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Very good service

By Gayatri Johnston

Great service. Bought things over the years never fail to deliver the stuff from Vrindavan. Thank yo ...

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Love all the products!

By Johnny Glorioso

I've ordered a couple things from this organization. I love the stuff. Love it. So glad there is t ...

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House of nectar

By Kathryn Boundy

You are providing an ocean of transcendental bliss. You are suci and satisfying. You are a link to t ...

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Excellent Customer Service & Support

By Jay Ram

This store provided great service after a printing error with my order. They promptly acknowledged ...

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Parfait comme toujours

By Sebastien Brossard

Les livres ont bien été emballés et le reste aussi tout était en bon état et comme toujours auc ...

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Wonderful service Hare KRSNA

By Josef O'Halloran

Excellent service and beautiful japa beads and incense from Vrindavan

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