T-Shirt: Krishna Holding Flute (brown) -- All-over print T-Shirt: Krishna Holding Flute (brown) -- All-over printT-Shirt: Krishna Holding Flute (brown) -- All-over printT-Shirt: Krishna Holding Flute (brown) -- All-over printT-Shirt: Krishna Holding Flute (brown) -- All-over print
T-Shirt: Krishna Holding Flute (brown) -- All-over print

T-Shirt: Krishna Holding Flute (brown) -- All-over print

 18,55€  9,53€ 
Krishna holding flute

About this item

Best quality t-shirt.  Colorfast fabric. All over print, brown color T-Shirt of Krishna holding His transcendental flute. Like all brightly colored cloths please wash in cold water and do not use bleaches or harsh detergants. The exact T-shirt could be a bit different than the one in the picture and vary in color.

Product Weight: 227 grams
  • Buy now : 9,53€ 

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  • Ship from : Krishna store

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