Krishna\'s Pastime with the Fruit Vendor (Children\'s Story Book)
Krishna\'s Pastime with the Fruit Vendor (Children\'s Story Book)Krishna\'s Pastime with the Fruit Vendor (Children\'s Story Book)Krishna\'s Pastime with the Fruit Vendor (Children\'s Story Book)Krishna\'s Pastime with the Fruit Vendor (Children\'s Story Book)Krishna\'s Pastime with the Fruit Vendor (Children\'s Story Book)Krishna\'s Pastime with the Fruit Vendor (Children\'s Story Book)

Krishna's Pastime with the Fruit Vendor (Children's Story Book)

 3,67€  1,81€ 

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Krishna saw His mother exchanging grains for fruit from the fruit vendor so one day he took as many grains in His small hands as He could and went to get some fruit for Himself. As Krishna aproached the fruit vendor most of the grains slipped out of His small hands so He only had a few grains to present.

Product Weight: 91 grams
  • Buy now : 1,81€ 

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