Laddu Gopal Brass Deity 4" (10 cm)
Men's Pure Woolen Chadar / Shawl
Dhoti -- Fine khadi with border
Introduction to Sanskrit Part 2
Laddu Gopal Brass Deity 5"
Arjun: The Warrior Prince
Case of 56 Nectar of Instruction
Deluxe Sandalwood Sticks

Wonderful service

By Jaya Tirtha Charan Dasa

Dear prabhus, thank you for your wonderful service provided at I'm more than happy ...

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Convenient and Readable

By Thomas Charles

Nice product - convenient and readable. Good order handling too.

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Simply Beautiful !

By Dhiraj Tandon

Clothing color and material was of very good quality. I loved it.

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Guaranteed great service

By Toni Rosenow

I have ordered twice now and there was a small issue -very small but customer service treated me as ...

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Fast delivery and easy tracking

By Paul

Thank you for sending the items that I ordered so quickly. The tracking gave me a peace of mind know ...

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Great Shop for Krishna Consciousness

By Iacopo

I have found in this on-line shop a lot of items that I find very good, I have ordered some counters ...

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By Keyur Trivedi

The sound quality of these DVD's is amazing, Srila Prabhupada's kirtan's are more clear than before. ...

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very pleased with your store

By John Travers

a great service very pleased with items i sent for and great value price

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Good products and service

By Lakshmi Gopal

Very good producta and prmpt service from Krishna store on the products got. We are now using the id ...

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great quality & service!

By Christian Temple

Thank you so much! International delivery was on time and the quality of the product is amazing!

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Great collection and great service

By Indira Mysore

I am pleased with the overall service of Krishna store. They are prompt in processing the order , co ...

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Super Deal

By Sasa

Got all the books I need for this lifetime for few euros. It works on my Kindle. Thanks.

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Lovely things

By Alison Ross

I am delighted to have ordered goods on 2 occasions and to have received such aromotic incense, perf ...

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By Antonello Tittoni

Thank's very much for the success of my order. I like the products, the smell of the incense is very ...

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By Steven Dean

Thankyou so much for the delightful experience of purchasing from your store. My ordered was very q ...

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