Customer Testimonials

Testimonial by: Colette Cronshaw of California, United States (U.S.A.)

Date added: 04/19/2018

Title: Exceeds expectations

I've been a satisfied returning customer for over two years. Consistently Krishna store have met all my expectations, on a few occasions these have been exceeded by me funding a hand written "Thank You" note inside the package. How beautiful is that.! Incense ~ far superior quality to anything I have bought in Manchester UK Packaging ~ products arrive safely but not over packaged. Waiting time ~ always arrives in stated time. Cost ~ even factoring in P&P: the overall cost is well worth it. Personally I ordered enough to last a few months: order for a friend at the same time splitting the cost. My friend ~ asked me to say Thank you :) From me ~ your beautiful incense is the last thing I breathe in as a fall asleep. Letting go of all the cards of the day. Thank you v much.!

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